7 years ago
33 changed files with 0 additions and 2060 deletions
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ |
SERVER_URL="http://volta:8080/do_request"; |
UPLOAD_URL="http://volta:8080/do_upload"; |
function refreshStatus() { |
$.ajax({ |
url: SERVER_URL, |
dataType: "json", |
type: "POST", |
data: JSON.stringify({"cmd": "getcurrentfilename"}), |
success: function(data) { |
$.blayerwebif.newFilename = data.currentfilename; |
if($.blayerwebif.oldFilename == $.blayerwebif.newFilename) |
return; |
$.blayerwebif.oldFilename = $.blayerwebif.newFilename; |
$("#tagtable").empty(); |
$("#tagtable").append("<tr><td>filename</td><td>"+$.blayerwebif.newFilename+"</td></tr"); |
$.ajax({ |
url: SERVER_URL, |
dataType: "json", |
type: "POST", |
data: JSON.stringify({"cmd": "getcurrentfileinfo"}), |
success: function(data) { |
$.each(data.currentfileinfo, function(key, value) { |
$("#tagtable").append("<tr><td>"+key+"</td><td>"+value+"</td></tr"); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
}; |
function refreshFilenames() { |
$.ajax({ |
url: SERVER_URL, |
dataType: "json", |
type: "POST", |
data: JSON.stringify({"cmd": "getallfilenames"}), |
success: function(data) { |
$("#filenames").empty(); |
$.each(data.allfilenames, function(key, value) { |
//alert("<li><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"playNext(\\\""+value+"\\\")\">"+value+"</a></li>");
$("#filenames").append("<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"playNextLink\">"+value+"</a></li>"); |
}); |
$("#animationcount").text(data.allfilenames.length); |
$(".playNextLink").click(function() { |
linkNode = this; |
$.ajax({ |
url: SERVER_URL, |
dataType: "json", |
type: "POST", |
data: JSON.stringify({"cmd": "playnext", "filename": $(this).text()}), |
success: function(data) { |
if(data.playnext == "ok") |
item = $("<span class=\"notificationtext\">queued...</span>"); |
else |
item = $("<span class=\"notificationtext\">queue full :(</span>"); |
$(linkNode).after(item); |
$(item).delay(1000).fadeOut("slow"); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}, |
}); |
} |
function refreshStatusPeriodic() { |
refreshStatus(); |
setTimeout(refreshStatusPeriodic, 1000); |
} |
$(document).ready(function() { |
$.blayerwebif = {}; |
$.blayerwebif.oldFilename = ""; |
setTimeout(refreshStatusPeriodic, 1000); |
refreshFilenames(); |
refreshStatus(); |
$("#uploadbutton").click(function() { |
$.ajax({ |
url: UPLOAD_URL, |
type: "POST", |
beforeSend: function() { |
$("#uploadform").after("<span class=\"notificationtext\" id=\"uploadingnotification\">uploading...</span>"); |
}, |
success: function() { |
$("#uploadingnotification").text("done! :)").delay(1000).fadeOut("slow"); |
refreshFilenames(); |
}, |
error: function() { |
$("#uploadingnotification").text("failed! :(").delay(1000).fadeOut("slow"); |
}, |
contentType: false, |
cache: false, |
processData: false, |
data: new FormData($("#uploadform")[0]) |
}); |
}); |
$("#next").click(function() { |
$.ajax({ |
url: SERVER_URL, |
dataType: "json", |
type: "POST", |
data: JSON.stringify({"cmd": "next"}), |
success: function() { |
refreshStatus(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$("#pause").click(function() { |
button = this; |
$.ajax({ |
url: SERVER_URL, |
dataType: "json", |
type: "POST", |
data: JSON.stringify({"cmd": "togglepaused"}), |
success: function(data) { |
refreshStatus(); |
if(data.paused) |
$(button).text("play"); |
else |
$(button).text("pause"); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$("#filtertext").keyup(function() { |
keyword = $("#filtertext").val().toLowerCase(); |
$("#filenames li").each(function(key, value) { |
if($(value).children("a").text().toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) >= 0) |
$(value).show(); |
else |
$(value).hide(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>blayer web interface</title> |
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script src="blayerwebif.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="containerleft"> |
<div class="box"> |
<p class="boxhead">control</p> |
<p class="controlbuttons"> |
<a href="#" id="next">next</a> |
<a href="#" id="pause">play / pause</a> |
</p> |
</div> |
<div class="box"> |
<p class="boxhead">upload</p> |
<form action="#" method="post" id="uploadform"> |
<input type="file" name="file" /> |
<input type="button" value="upload" id="uploadbutton" /> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="box"> |
<p class="boxhead">current animation</p> |
<!--<p><span class="label">Filename:</span><span id="filename"></span></p>--> |
<table id="tagtable"> |
</table> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="containerleft"> |
<div class="box"> |
<p class="boxhead">animation database</p> |
<p><span id="animationcount">###</span> animations in total</p> |
<p>filter: <input type="text" id="filtertext" /></p> |
<ul id="filenames"> |
</ul> |
</div> |
</div> |
</body></html> |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ |
body { |
background-color: #2f2f2f; |
font-family: "lucida grande",tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; |
font-size: 0.8em; |
color: #cccccc; |
} |
h1 { |
font-size: 1.5em; |
} |
#containerleft { |
width: 46%; |
margin-left: auto; |
padding: 20px; |
float: left; |
} |
#containerright { |
width: 46%; |
padding: 20px; |
float: left; |
} |
|||||| { |
border-radius: 10px; |
border-color: #000000; |
border-width: 1px; |
border-style: solid; |
/*width: 50%;*/ |
background-color: #3d3d3d; |
margin: auto; |
margin-bottom: 30px; |
padding: 10px; |
box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px 3px #272727; |
} |
p.boxhead { |
color: #006483; |
font-weight: bold; |
margin-top: 0px; |
} |
#tagtable td:first-child { |
font-style: italic; |
padding-right: 30px; |
} |
#tagtable td { |
font-size: 0.8em; |
} |
#filenames a, #filenames a:visited { |
text-decoration: none; |
color: #cccccc; |
} |
.notificationtext { |
padding-left: 20px; |
color: #ffffff; |
font-size: 0.7em; |
} |
.controlbuttons { |
padding: 10px; |
} |
.controlbuttons a, .controlbutton a:visited { |
padding: 5px; |
border: 1px solid #cccccc; |
border-radius: 4px; |
color: #cccccc; |
text-decoration: none; |
} |
.controlbuttons a:hover { |
background: #006483; |
} |
.label { |
font-style: italic; |
} |
.clear { |
clear:both; |
width: 0px; |
height: 0px; |
} |
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ |
[control] |
bind_host = |
bind_port = 4243 |
[player] |
animation_dir = /var/tmp/blup2/ |
playlist = /var/tmp/blup2/playlist.txt |
shuffle = true |
autorefresh = true |
looptime = 3 |
maxplaynext = 3 |
[output] |
output = blp:localhost:4242 |
#output = blp:bastel0:4242 |
#output = 'shell' |
@ -1,428 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
import threading |
import random |
import os.path |
import os |
import time |
import socket |
import asyncore |
import asynchat |
import cmd |
import ConfigParser |
import sys |
import json |
import blup.animation as Animation |
import blup.output as BlupOutput |
import blup.frame as Frame |
'output': 'shell', |
'playlist': '', |
'animation_dir': '.', |
'enabled': False, |
'shuffle': False, |
'autorefresh': False |
} |
def find(f, list): |
for x in list: |
if f(x): |
return x |
class AnimationInfo(): |
def __init__(self, filename): |
self.__filename = filename |
self.__tags = None |
self.__valid = None |
@property |
def filesize(self): |
try: |
statinfo = os.stat(self.__filename) |
return statinfo.st_size |
except OSError: |
return -1 |
@property |
def mtime(self): |
try: |
statinfo = os.stat(self.__filename) |
return statinfo.st_mtime |
except OSError: |
return -1 |
@property |
def tags(self): |
return self.__tags |
@property |
def valid(self): |
if self.__valid == None: |
try: |
self.check() |
except Animation.AnimationFileError: |
pass |
return self.__valid |
@property |
def filename(self): |
return self.__filename |
def check(self): |
self.__valid = False |
self.__tags = None |
anim = Animation.load(self.__filename) |
self.__valid = True |
self.__tags = anim.tags |
class AnimationDatabase(): |
def __init__(self, animDir): |
self.__animDir = animDir |
self.__animInfos = [] |
self.__lock = threading.Lock() |
def update(self): |
with self.__lock: |
oldAnimInfos = self.__animInfos |
animInfos = [] |
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.__animDir): |
files = map(lambda f: os.path.join(dirpath, f), filenames) |
files = map(lambda f: os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f), self.__animDir), filenames) |
animInfos.extend(map(lambda f: AnimationInfo(f), files)) |
#animInfos = filter(lambda a: a.valid, animInfos) |
newAnimInfos = [] |
for animInfo in animInfos: |
oldAnimInfo = find(lambda a: a.filename == animInfo.filename, oldAnimInfos) |
if oldAnimInfo is not None and oldAnimInfo.mtime == animInfo.mtime: |
newAnimInfos.append(oldAnimInfo) |
else: |
if animInfo.valid: |
newAnimInfos.append(animInfo) |
self.__animInfos = newAnimInfos |
def findAnimation(self, filename): |
with self.__lock: |
animInfo = find(lambda a: a.filename == filename, self.__animInfos) |
if animInfo is not None: |
return animInfo |
else: |
raise Exception('animation not found!') |
def containsAnimation(self, filename): |
with self.__lock: |
animInfo = find(lambda a: a.filename == filename, self.__animInfos) |
return (animInfo is not None) |
def getAllFilenames(self): |
with self.__lock: |
return map(lambda a: a.filename, self.__animInfos) |
#class Playlist(list): |
# def __init__(self, animationDatabase, filename=None): |
# self.__animDb = animationDatabase |
# self.__filename = filename |
# if filename == None: |
# self.append(self.__animDb.getAllFilenames()) |
# else: |
# f = open(filename, 'r') |
# lines ='\n') |
# f.close() |
# |
# for line in lines: |
# if self.__animDb.containsAnimation(line): |
# self.append(line) |
# |
# def refresh(self): |
# #f = open(filename, 'r') |
# #lines ='\n') |
# #f.close() |
# pass |
# |
# #for line in lines: |
# # if self.__animDb.containsAnimation(line): |
# # self.append(line) |
class PlayerThread(threading.Thread): |
def __init__(self, database, output): |
threading.Thread.__init__(self) |
self.__playlist = [] |
self.database = database |
self.__playNext = [] |
self.maxPlayNext = 3 |
self.__output = output |
self.shuffle = False |
self.autoRefresh = True |
self.loopTime = 10 |
|||||| = 800 |
self.__running = False |
self.__player = Animation.AnimationPlayer() |
self.__currentIndex = 0 |
self.__currentFile = '' |
self.__paused = False |
@property |
def currentFile(self): |
if not self.__paused: |
return self.__currentFile |
else: |
return "" |
@property |
def currentFileInfo(self): |
if not self.__paused: |
return self.database.findAnimation(self.__currentFile) |
else: |
# TODO: mhh... |
return None |
@property |
def paused(self): |
return self.__paused |
def playNext(self, next): |
if len(self.__playNext) < self.maxPlayNext: |
self.__playNext.append(next) |
else: |
raise Exception |
def next(self): |
self.__player.stop() |
def togglePaused(self): |
self.__paused = not self.__paused |
if self.__paused: |
self.__player.stop() |
def refreshPlaylist(self): |
self.database.update() |
self.__playlist = self.database.getAllFilenames() |
def loadPlaylistFile(self): |
raise Exception('not yet implemented :(') |
def terminate(self): |
self.__player.stop() |
self.__running = False |
def run(self): |
self.__running = True |
while self.__running: |
anim = None |
if self.autoRefresh: # and self.__currentIndex == len(self.__playlist) - 1: |
self.refreshPlaylist() |
if len(self.__playNext) == 0: |
if len(self.__playlist) == 0: |
print 'busywait!!' |
continue |
if self.shuffle: |
self.__currentFile = self.__playlist[random.randint(0, len(self.__playlist) - 1)] |
else: |
if self.__currentIndex >= len(self.__playlist): |
self.__currentIndex = 0 |
self.__currentFile = self.__playlist[self.__currentIndex] |
self.__currentIndex += 1 |
else: |
self.__currentFile = self.__playNext.pop(0) |
anim = Animation.load(self.__currentFile) |
count = 1 |
if anim.tags.has_key('loop') and anim.tags['loop'].lower() in ['yes', 'true']: |
if anim.duration < self.loopTime * 1000: |
count = (self.loopTime * 1000) / anim.duration |
print 'playing:', anim |
print 'tags:', anim.tags |
||||||, self.__output, count=count) |
print 'elapsed: ', self.__player.elapsed |
if self.__paused: |
# TODO: use correct frame size |
self.__output.sendFrame(Frame.Frame(18,8)) |
while self.__paused: |
time.sleep(1) |
print 'busywait!!' |
if > 0 and self.__running: |
# TODO: use correct frame size |
self.__output.sendFrame(Frame.Frame(18,8)) |
time.sleep( / 1000.0) |
class PlayerControlClientHandler(asynchat.async_chat): |
def __init__(self, sock, player): |
asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock=sock) |
self.set_terminator('\n') |
self.__buffer = '' |
self.__player = player |
def collect_incoming_data(self, data): |
self.__buffer += data |
def sendPacket(self, data): |
self.send(json.dumps(data) + '\n') |
def found_terminator(self): |
try: |
data = json.loads(self.__buffer) |
except ValueError: |
self.sendPacket({'error': 'invalid json'}) |
return |
finally: |
self.__buffer = '' |
try: |
cmd = data['cmd'] |
except (TypeError, KeyError): |
self.sendPacket({'error': 'no command given'}) |
return |
if cmd == 'refresh': |
self.__player.refreshPlaylist() |
self.sendPacket({'refresh': 'ok'}) |
elif cmd == 'next': |
|||||| |
self.sendPacket({'next': 'ok'}) |
elif cmd == 'togglepaused': |
self.__player.togglePaused() |
self.sendPacket({'togglepaused': 'ok', 'paused': self.__player.paused}) |
elif cmd == 'getpaused': |
self.sendPacket({'paused': self.__player.paused}) |
elif cmd == 'playnext': |
if data.has_key('filename') and type(data['filename']) in [str, unicode]: |
try: |
self.__player.playNext(data['filename']) |
except Exception: |
self.sendPacket({'error':'too many animations queued'}) |
else: |
self.sendPacket({'playnext':'ok'}) |
else: |
self.sendPacket({'error': 'no or invalid animation file'}) |
elif cmd == 'getallfilenames': |
self.sendPacket({'allfilenames': self.__player.database.getAllFilenames()}) |
elif cmd == 'getcurrentfileinfo': |
if not self.__player.paused: |
info = self.__player.currentFileInfo.tags |
else: |
info = {} |
self.sendPacket({'currentfileinfo': info}) |
elif cmd == 'getcurrentfilename': |
self.sendPacket({'currentfilename': self.__player.currentFile}) |
else: |
self.sendPacket({'error': 'unknown command'}) |
class PlayerControlServer(asyncore.dispatcher): |
def __init__(self, host, port, player): |
asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) |
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
self.set_reuse_addr() |
self.bind((host, port)) |
self.listen(5) |
self.__player = player |
def handle_accept(self): |
pair = self.accept() |
if pair is not None: |
sock, addr = pair |
print 'control connetcion from', addr |
PlayerControlClientHandler(sock, self.__player) |
# |
# main |
# |
cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(CONFIG_DEFAULTS) |
||||||'/var/tmp/blup2/blayer.cfg') |
try: |
out = BlupOutput.getOutput(cfg.get('output', 'output')) |
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: |
sys.err.write('config error: missing \'output\' section') |
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: |
sys.err.write('config error: missing \'output\' option in \'output\' section') |
try: |
animation_dir = cfg.get('player', 'animation_dir') |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
animation_dir = '.' |
db = AnimationDatabase(animation_dir) |
print 'updating database...' |
db.update() |
print 'done with updating database...' |
print 'updating database (again)...' |
db.update() |
print 'done with updating database...' |
#print db.getAllFilenames() |
#try: |
# playlist = Playlist(db, cfg.get('player', 'playlist')) |
# print 'file-playluist:', playlist |
#except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
# playlist = Playlist(db) |
# print 'db-playluist:', playlist |
blayer = PlayerThread(db, out) |
blayer.refreshPlaylist() |
#sys.exit(0) |
try: |
blayer.loopTime = cfg.getint('player', 'looptime') |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
try: |
blayer.shuffle = cfg.getboolean('player', 'shuffle') |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
try: |
blayer.autoRefresh = cfg.getboolean('player', 'autorefresh') |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
try: |
blayer.maxPlayNext = cfg.getint('player', 'maxplaynext') |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
blayer.start() |
try: |
cser = PlayerControlServer(cfg.get('control', 'bind_host'), cfg.getint('control', 'bind_port'), blayer) |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
cser = None |
try: |
if cser is not None: |
asyncore.loop() |
else: |
blayer.join() |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print 'nawk!!' |
blayer.terminate() |
@ -1,379 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
import threading |
import random |
import os.path |
import os |
import time |
import socket |
import asyncore |
import asynchat |
import cmd |
import ConfigParser |
import sys |
import blup.animation as Animation |
import blup.output as BlupOutput |
import blup.frame as Frame |
'output': 'shell', |
'playlist': '', |
'animation_dir': '.', |
'enabled': False, |
'shuffle': False, |
'autorefresh': False |
} |
def find(f, list): |
for x in list: |
if f(x): |
return x |
class AnimationInfo(): |
def __init__(self, filename): |
self.__filename = filename |
self.__tags = None |
self.__valid = None |
@property |
def filesize(self): |
try: |
statinfo = os.stat(self.__filename) |
return statinfo.st_size |
except OSError: |
return -1 |
@property |
def mtime(self): |
try: |
statinfo = os.stat(self.__filename) |
return statinfo.st_mtime |
except OSError: |
return -1 |
@property |
def tags(self): |
return self.__tags |
@property |
def valid(self): |
if self.__valid == None: |
try: |
self.check() |
except Animation.AnimationFileError: |
pass |
return self.__valid |
@property |
def filename(self): |
return self.__filename |
def check(self): |
self.__valid = False |
self.__tags = None |
anim = Animation.load(self.__filename) |
self.__valid = True |
self.__tags = anim.tags |
class AnimationDatabase(): |
def __init__(self, animDir): |
self.__animDir = animDir |
self.__animInfos = [] |
self.__lock = threading.Lock() |
def update(self): |
with self.__lock: |
oldAnimInfos = self.__animInfos |
animInfos = [] |
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.__animDir): |
files = map(lambda f: os.path.join(dirpath, f), filenames) |
files = map(lambda f: os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f), self.__animDir), filenames) |
animInfos.extend(map(lambda f: AnimationInfo(f), files)) |
#animInfos = filter(lambda a: a.valid, animInfos) |
newAnimInfos = [] |
for animInfo in animInfos: |
oldAnimInfo = find(lambda a: a.filename == animInfo.filename, oldAnimInfos) |
if oldAnimInfo is not None and oldAnimInfo.mtime == animInfo.mtime: |
newAnimInfos.append(oldAnimInfo) |
else: |
if animInfo.valid: |
newAnimInfos.append(animInfo) |
self.__animInfos = newAnimInfos |
def findAnimation(self, filename): |
with self.__lock: |
animInfo = find(lambda a: a.filename == filename, self.__animInfos) |
if animInfo is not None: |
return animInfo |
else: |
raise Exception('animation not found!') |
def containsAnimation(self, filename): |
with self.__lock: |
animInfo = find(lambda a: a.filename == filename, self.__animInfos) |
return (animInfo is not None) |
def getAllFilenames(self): |
with self.__lock: |
return map(lambda a: a.filename, self.__animInfos) |
#class Playlist(list): |
# def __init__(self, animationDatabase, filename=None): |
# self.__animDb = animationDatabase |
# self.__filename = filename |
# if filename == None: |
# self.append(self.__animDb.getAllFilenames()) |
# else: |
# f = open(filename, 'r') |
# lines ='\n') |
# f.close() |
# |
# for line in lines: |
# if self.__animDb.containsAnimation(line): |
# self.append(line) |
# |
# def refresh(self): |
# #f = open(filename, 'r') |
# #lines ='\n') |
# #f.close() |
# pass |
# |
# #for line in lines: |
# # if self.__animDb.containsAnimation(line): |
# # self.append(line) |
class PlayerThread(threading.Thread): |
def __init__(self, database, playlist, output): |
threading.Thread.__init__(self) |
self.__playlist = playlist |
self.__database = database |
self.__playNext = [] |
self.maxPlayNext = 3 |
self.__output = output |
self.shuffle = False |
self.autoRefresh = True |
self.loopTime = 10 |
|||||| = 800 |
self.__running = False |
self.__player = Animation.AnimationPlayer() |
self.__currentIndex = 0 |
self.__currentFile = '' |
@property |
def currentFile(self): |
return self.__currentFile |
def playNext(self, next): |
if len(self.__playNext) < self.__maxPlayNext: |
self.__playNext.append(next) |
else: |
raise Exception |
def refreshPlaylist(self): |
self.__database.update() |
self.__playlist = self.__database.getAllFilenames() |
def loadPlaylistFile(self): |
raise Exception('not yet implemented :(') |
def terminate(self): |
self.__player.stop() |
self.__running = False |
def run(self): |
self.__running = True |
while self.__running: |
anim = None |
if self.autoRefresh: # and self.__currentIndex == len(self.__playlist) - 1: |
self.refreshPlaylist() |
if len(self.__playNext) == 0: |
if len(self.__playlist) == 0: |
print 'busywait!!' |
continue |
if self.shuffle: |
self.__currentFile = self.__playlist[random.randint(0, len(self.__playlist) - 1)] |
else: |
if self.__currentIndex >= len(self.__playlist): |
self.__currentIndex = 0 |
self.__currentFile = self.__playlist[self.__currentIndex] |
self.__currentIndex += 1 |
else: |
self.__currentFile = self.__playNext.pop(0) |
anim = Animation.load(self.__currentFile) |
count = 1 |
if anim.tags.has_key('loop') and anim.tags['loop'].lower() in ['yes', 'true']: |
if anim.duration < self.loopTime * 1000: |
count = (self.loopTime * 1000) / anim.duration |
print 'playing:', anim |
print 'tags:', anim.tags |
||||||, self.__output, count=count) |
if > 0 and self.__running: |
self.__output.sendFrame(Frame.Frame(18,8)) |
time.sleep( / 1000.0) |
class PlayerControlClientHandler(asynchat.async_chat): |
def __init__(self, sock, player): |
asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock=sock) |
self.set_terminator('\n') |
self.__buffer = '' |
self.__player = player |
def collect_incoming_data(self, data): |
self.__buffer += data |
def found_terminator(self): |
args = self.__buffer.split(' ') |
args = filter(lambda a: len(a) > 0, args) |
if len(args) == 0: |
return |
self.__buffer = '' |
cmd = args.pop(0) |
if cmd == 'refresh': |
self.__playlist.refresh() |
self.send('ok\n') |
elif cmd == 'status': |
self.send('playing %s\n' % (self.__player.getCurrentFile())) |
elif cmd == 'getplaylist': |
plist = '\n'.join(self.__playlist.getPlaylist()) |
self.send(plist + '\n') |
elif cmd == 'playnext' and len(args) == 1: |
try: |
self.__player.playNext(args[0]) |
self.send('ok\n') |
except Exception: |
self.send('error\n') |
elif cmd == 'loadplaylist' and len(args) == 1: |
try: |
if args[0] == '.': |
self.__playlist.loadDir() |
else: |
self.__playlist.loadFile(args[0]) |
self.send('ok\n') |
except: |
self.send('error\n') |
elif cmd == 'quit': |
self.send('bye\n') |
self.close() |
else: |
self.send('unknown command\n') |
class PlayerControlServer(asyncore.dispatcher): |
def __init__(self, host, port, player, playlist): |
asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) |
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
self.set_reuse_addr() |
self.bind((host, port)) |
self.listen(5) |
self.__player = player |
self.__playlist = playlist |
def handle_accept(self): |
pair = self.accept() |
if pair is not None: |
sock, addr = pair |
print 'control connetcion from', addr |
PlayerControlClientHandler(sock, self.__player, self.__playlist) |
# |
# main |
# |
cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(CONFIG_DEFAULTS) |
||||||'/var/tmp/blup2/blayer.cfg') |
try: |
out = BlupOutput.getOutput(cfg.get('output', 'output')) |
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: |
sys.err.write('config error: missing \'output\' section') |
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: |
sys.err.write('config error: missing \'output\' option in \'output\' section') |
try: |
animation_dir = cfg.get('player', 'animation_dir') |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
animation_dir = '.' |
db = AnimationDatabase(animation_dir) |
print 'updating database...' |
db.update() |
print 'done with updating database...' |
print 'updating database (again)...' |
db.update() |
print 'done with updating database...' |
#print db.getAllFilenames() |
try: |
playlist = Playlist(db, cfg.get('player', 'playlist')) |
print 'file-playluist:', playlist |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
playlist = Playlist(db) |
print 'db-playluist:', playlist |
blayer = PlayerThread(db, playlist, out) |
#sys.exit(0) |
try: |
blayer.setLoopTime(cfg.getint('player', 'looptime')) |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
try: |
blayer.setShuffle(cfg.getboolean('player', 'shuffle')) |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
try: |
blayer.setAutoRefresh(cfg.getboolean('player', 'autorefresh')) |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
try: |
blayer.setMaxPlayNext(cfg.getint('player', 'maxplaynext')) |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
pass |
blayer.start() |
try: |
cser = PlayerControlServer(cfg.get('control', 'bind_host'), cfg.getint('control', 'bind_port'), blayer, playlist) |
except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): |
cser = None |
try: |
if cser is not None: |
asyncore.loop() |
else: |
blayer.join() |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print 'nawk!!' |
blayer.terminate() |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
python -o blp:bastel0:4242 localhost:4242:1:1000 localhost:42421:2:3500 |
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
import colorsys |
import time |
import blup.output |
import blup.frame |
dim = blup.frame.FrameDimension(18,8,16,3) |
frame = blup.frame.Frame(dim) |
HEIGHT = 8 |
WIDTH = 18 |
#h = 0.0 |
#for y in range(HEIGHT): |
# h += 1.0 / (HEIGHT * 1.0) |
# v = 0 |
# s = 0.7 |
# for x in range(WIDTH): |
# v += 1.0 / (WIDTH * 1.0) |
# print s |
# color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) |
# color = tuple(map(lambda c: int(round(c * 15)), color)) |
# print color |
# frame.setPixel(x, y, color) |
for y in range(HEIGHT): |
for x in range(WIDTH): |
h = (x * 1.0) / (WIDTH - 1.0) |
s = 1.0 - (y * 1.0) / (HEIGHT - 0.0) |
v = 1.0 - (y * 1.0) / (HEIGHT - 0.0) |
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) |
color = tuple(map(lambda c: int(round(c * 15)), color)) |
frame.setPixel(x, y, color) |
out = blup.output.getOutput('e3blp') |
while True: |
out.sendFrame(frame) |
time.sleep(0.4) |
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ |
# Major library imports |
import atexit |
import pyaudio |
from numpy import zeros, short, fromstring, array |
from numpy.fft import fft |
import colorsys |
import time |
import blup.frame |
import blup.output |
#NUM_SAMPLES = 512 |
#SAMPLING_RATE = 11025 |
#SAMPLING_RATE = 11024 / 2 |
_stream = None |
def read_fft(): |
global _stream |
pa = None |
def cleanup_audio(): |
if _stream: |
_stream.stop_stream() |
_stream.close() |
pa.terminate() |
if _stream is None: |
pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() |
_stream =, channels=1, |
input=True, frames_per_buffer=NUM_SAMPLES) |
atexit.register(cleanup_audio) |
audio_data = fromstring(, dtype=short) |
normalized_data = audio_data / 32768.0 |
return fft(normalized_data)[1:1+NUM_SAMPLES/2] |
def flatten_fft(scale = 1.0): |
""" |
Produces a nicer graph, I'm not sure if this is correct |
""" |
for i, v in enumerate(read_fft()): |
yield scale * (i * v) / NUM_SAMPLES |
def makeColor(x): |
hue = (7-x) / 7.0 / 3.0 -0.1 |
if hue < 0: |
hue += 1 |
rgb = map(lambda x: int(round(x*7)), colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1, 1)) |
return rgb |
def makeSpectrumFrame(spectrum): |
f = blup.frame.Frame(blup.frame.FrameDimension(18,8,8,3)) |
for x, y in enumerate(spectrum): |
if y > 7: |
y = 7 |
y = int(y) |
for i in range(y): |
#val = (7,7,7) |
val = makeColor(i) |
f.setPixel(x, 7-i, val) |
return f |
def draw(): |
'''Draw 3 different colour graphs''' |
global NUM_SAMPLES |
audio = array(list(flatten_fft(scale = 80))) |
freqs = len(audio) |
bass, mid, treble = triple(audio) |
colours = (0.5, 1.0, 0.5), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0.2, 0.5) |
fill(0, 0, 1) |
rect(0, 0, WIDTH, 400) |
translate(50, 200) |
for spectrum, col in zip((bass, mid, treble), colours): |
fill(col) |
for i, s in enumerate(spectrum): |
rect(i, 0, 1, -abs(s)) |
else: |
translate(i, 0) |
audio = array(list(flatten_fft(scale = 80))) |
out = blup.output.getOutput('colorfulshell') |
while True: |
audio = array(list(flatten_fft(scale=80))) |
#audio = map(abs, audio) |
#print len(audio) |
frame = makeSpectrumFrame([ int((x/18.0)*8) for x in range(18)]) |
frame = makeSpectrumFrame(audio) |
#print map(int,audio) |
out.sendFrame(frame) |
#time.sleep(0.1) |
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ |
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler |
import socket |
import cgi |
import json |
import time |
import os.path |
import threading |
TELNET_HOST = 'localhost' |
TELNET_PORT = 4243 |
DOCROOT = '/var/tmp/blup2/blayer-webif' |
UPLOAD_DIR = '/var/tmp/blup2/blm/incoming' |
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
sock.connect((TELNET_HOST, TELNET_PORT)) |
socklock = threading.Lock() |
class HTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): |
def do_GET(self): |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') |
self.end_headers() |
print self.path |
#self.wfile.write('<form action="bla" method="post"><input type="text" name="text" /><input type="submit" value="ok" /></form>') |
p = os.path.join(DOCROOT, self.path[1:]) |
print p |
if os.path.isfile(p): |
f = open(p, 'r') |
data = |
f.close() |
self.wfile.write(data) |
def do_POST(self): |
if self.path == '/do_upload': |
formdata = cgi.FieldStorage( |
fp=self.rfile, headers=self.headers, |
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': self.headers['Content-Type']}) |
fileField = formdata['file'] |
f = open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, fileField.filename), 'w') |
f.write( |
f.close() |
sock.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "refresh"}) + '\n') |
print 'server answer to refresh cmd: ', sock.recv(1024) |
self.send_response(200); |
self.end_headers(); |
return |
postdata ='content-length'))) |
#self.wfile.write('test') |
if postdata[-1:] != '\n': |
postdata += '\n' |
print 'postdata:', postdata |
with socklock: |
sock.send(postdata) |
time.sleep(0.1) |
resp = sock.recv(1024 * 10) |
#sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) |
#sock.close() |
self.send_response(200) |
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') |
self.send_header('Content-length', len(resp)) |
self.end_headers() |
print 'resp:', resp |
self.wfile.write(resp) |
server = HTTPServer(('',8080), HTTPRequestHandler) |
server.serve_forever() |
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ |
def loadBbm(filename): |
""" Parse a bbm file and return an Animation object. """ |
def getint16(vals): |
return (cals[2]>>8) + vals[3] |
def getint32(vals): |
return (vals[0]>>24) + (vals[1]>>16) + (cals[2]>>8) + vals[3] |
f = open(filename, 'r') |
rawdata = |
f.close() |
data = [ ord(x) for x in rawdata ] |
if getint32(data[0:4]) != 0x23542666: |
raise ValueError('magic does not match') |
height = getint16(data[4:6]) |
width = getint16(data[6:8]) |
channels = getint16(data[8:10]) |
maxval = getint16(data[10:12]) |
framecnt = getint32(data[10:14]) |
duration = getint32(data[14:18]) |
frameptr = getint32(data[18:22]) |
# TODO: parse additional headers |
if rawdata[frameptr:(frameptr+4)] != 'frms': |
raise ValueError('frame pointer does not point to frame start marker') |
framedata = data[frameptr + 4:] |
framesize = width*height*channels |
frames = [] |
while True: |
pass |
raise Exception('uarrgh!!') |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
# BlinkenLights Movie 18x8 |
# loop = yes |
@200 |
000000000000000000 |
000011100011100000 |
000111110111110000 |
000111111111110000 |
000011111111100000 |
000000111110000000 |
000000001000000000 |
000000000000000000 |
@800 |
000011100011100000 |
000111110111110000 |
001111111111111000 |
001111111111111000 |
000111111111110000 |
000011111111100000 |
000000111110000000 |
000000001000000000 |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/pyton |
import blup.frame |
import blup.output |
import blup.animation |
out = blup.output.getOutput('e3blp') |
points = [] |
for i in |
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ |
#heart.blm |
#countdown.blm |
test.blm |
klonfish-dancing.blm |
blm/invasion.blm |
blm/torus.blm |
blm/antiwar.blm |
blm/billard.blm |
blm/x-ball.blm |
blm/game.blm |
blm/tropfen.blm |
blm/moewe_frontal.blm |
blm/fireworks_2.blm |
blm/thunderstorm.blm |
blm/biker.blm |
blm/fantasticspace.blm |
blm/allyourbase.blm |
blm/21st_century_man.blm |
blm/dont_try_at_home.blm |
blm/spin.blm |
blm/heart.blm |
blm/encyclops.blm |
blm/fant.blm |
blm/schnecke.blm |
blm/peao.blm |
blm/falling_pix.blm |
blm/tetris.blm |
blm/text.blm |
blm/landing_zone.blm |
blm/dance_micky_chickee.blm |
blm/supermaennchen.blm |
blm/allon.blm |
blm/kame.blm |
blm/kiss.blm |
blm/fallingrows.blm |
blm/jesus.blm |
blm/vlhurg.blm |
blm/wasserhahn.blm |
blm/gewaber.blm |
blm/tla_them.blm |
blm/quix_glitter.blm |
blm/herz.blm |
blm/sanduhr.blm |
blm/defect_car.blm |
blm/peepshow.blm |
blm/countdown.blm |
blm/luftballoons.blm |
blm/impaexpa.blm |
blm/wein_trinken.blm |
blm/coffee.blm |
blm/camel.blm |
blm/matrix.blm |
blm/life.blm |
blm/snake.blm |
blm/windshield.blm |
blm/raumschiff_enterprise.blm |
blm/pumpkin.blm |
blm/yeastman.blm |
blm/genomix.blm |
blm/bad_luck.blm |
blm/om_sweet_om.blm |
blm/invaders_andreas.blm |
blm/manifesto5.blm |
blm/chat_noir.blm |
blm/rakete.blm |
blm/manifesto3.blm |
blm/relativity.blm |
blm/fussballer.blm |
blm/sinus.blm |
blm/love_triangles.blm |
blm/ascii_people.blm |
blm/hanoi.blm |
blm/monster.blm |
blm/come_together.blm |
blm/matrix_maennchen.blm |
blm/silent_night.blm |
blm/halt.blm |
blm/das_leben_ist_schoen.blm |
blm/moving_car.blm |
blm/spirals.blm |
blm/mandel.blm |
blm/alloff.blm |
blm/manifesto1.blm |
blm/quantorenlyrik.blm |
blm/manifesto4.blm |
blm/warterad.blm |
blm/surprise.blm |
blm/oneon.blm |
blm/manifesto7.blm |
blm/fireworks.blm |
blm/labyrinth.blm |
blm/brainfuck.blm |
blm/die_erde.blm |
blm/klo.blm |
blm/psychowarrior.blm |
blm/timeless.blm |
blm/auge.blm |
blm/worm.blm |
blm/colagoboom.blm |
blm/musterbeispiel.blm |
blm/fallingpixels.blm |
blm/franknstoned.blm |
blm/rollo_grow.blm |
blm/illuminati.blm |
blm/3rd_advent.blm |
blm/chaosknoten.blm |
blm/be_happy.blm |
blm/binary_god.blm |
blm/kingzilla.blm |
blm/paradox.blm |
blm/dj.blm |
blm/hut.blm |
blm/sortofselftest.blm |
blm/blubb.blm |
blm/bleeeh.blm |
blm/rain.blm |
blm/flash.blm |
blm/femina_light.blm |
blm/gator_rogat.blm |
blm/speedit.blm |
blm/scooter.blm |
blm/pixie_in_the_box.blm |
blm/zeichen.blm |
blm/humanistic.blm |
blm/pacman_saga.blm |
blm/die_autobahn.blm |
blm/mytest3.blm |
blm/yin_yang.blm |
blm/klettermensch.blm |
blm/baustein.blm |
blm/pwm.blm |
blm/babelfish.blm |
blm/mytest2.blm |
blm/winslows.blm |
blm/dance.blm |
blm/martelo.blm |
blm/raindrops.blm |
blm/g.blm |
blm/clear.blm |
blm/sport_haelt_fit.blm |
blm/kreise.blm |
blm/railroad.blm |
blm/3D_cube.blm |
blm/balloon.blm |
blm/flipp.blm |
blm/mytest.blm |
blm/tux.blm |
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ |
blm/invasion.blm |
blm/torus.blm |
blm/antiwar.blm |
blm/billard.blm |
blm/x-ball.blm |
blm/game.blm |
blm/tropfen.blm |
blm/moewe_frontal.blm |
blm/fireworks_2.blm |
blm/thunderstorm.blm |
blm/biker.blm |
blm/fantasticspace.blm |
blm/allyourbase.blm |
blm/21st_century_man.blm |
blm/dont_try_at_home.blm |
blm/spin.blm |
blm/heart.blm |
blm/encyclops.blm |
blm/fant.blm |
blm/schnecke.blm |
blm/peao.blm |
blm/falling_pix.blm |
blm/tetris.blm |
blm/text.blm |
blm/landing_zone.blm |
blm/dance_micky_chickee.blm |
blm/supermaennchen.blm |
blm/allon.blm |
blm/kame.blm |
blm/kiss.blm |
blm/fallingrows.blm |
blm/jesus.blm |
blm/vlhurg.blm |
blm/wasserhahn.blm |
blm/gewaber.blm |
blm/tla_them.blm |
blm/quix_glitter.blm |
blm/herz.blm |
blm/sanduhr.blm |
blm/defect_car.blm |
blm/peepshow.blm |
blm/countdown.blm |
blm/luftballoons.blm |
blm/impaexpa.blm |
blm/wein_trinken.blm |
blm/coffee.blm |
blm/camel.blm |
blm/matrix.blm |
blm/life.blm |
blm/snake.blm |
blm/windshield.blm |
blm/raumschiff_enterprise.blm |
blm/pumpkin.blm |
blm/yeastman.blm |
blm/genomix.blm |
blm/bad_luck.blm |
blm/om_sweet_om.blm |
blm/invaders_andreas.blm |
blm/manifesto5.blm |
blm/chat_noir.blm |
blm/rakete.blm |
blm/manifesto3.blm |
blm/relativity.blm |
blm/fussballer.blm |
blm/sinus.blm |
blm/love_triangles.blm |
blm/ascii_people.blm |
blm/hanoi.blm |
blm/monster.blm |
blm/come_together.blm |
blm/matrix_maennchen.blm |
blm/silent_night.blm |
blm/halt.blm |
blm/das_leben_ist_schoen.blm |
blm/moving_car.blm |
blm/spirals.blm |
blm/mandel.blm |
blm/alloff.blm |
blm/manifesto1.blm |
blm/quantorenlyrik.blm |
blm/manifesto4.blm |
blm/warterad.blm |
blm/surprise.blm |
blm/oneon.blm |
blm/manifesto7.blm |
blm/fireworks.blm |
blm/labyrinth.blm |
blm/brainfuck.blm |
blm/die_erde.blm |
blm/klo.blm |
blm/psychowarrior.blm |
blm/timeless.blm |
blm/auge.blm |
blm/worm.blm |
blm/colagoboom.blm |
blm/musterbeispiel.blm |
blm/fallingpixels.blm |
blm/franknstoned.blm |
blm/rollo_grow.blm |
blm/illuminati.blm |
blm/3rd_advent.blm |
blm/chaosknoten.blm |
blm/be_happy.blm |
blm/binary_god.blm |
blm/kingzilla.blm |
blm/paradox.blm |
blm/dj.blm |
blm/hut.blm |
blm/sortofselftest.blm |
blm/blubb.blm |
blm/bleeeh.blm |
blm/rain.blm |
blm/flash.blm |
blm/femina_light.blm |
blm/gator_rogat.blm |
blm/speedit.blm |
blm/scooter.blm |
blm/pixie_in_the_box.blm |
blm/zeichen.blm |
blm/humanistic.blm |
blm/pacman_saga.blm |
blm/die_autobahn.blm |
blm/mytest3.blm |
blm/yin_yang.blm |
blm/klettermensch.blm |
blm/baustein.blm |
blm/pwm.blm |
blm/babelfish.blm |
blm/mytest2.blm |
blm/winslows.blm |
blm/dance.blm |
blm/martelo.blm |
blm/raindrops.blm |
blm/g.blm |
blm/clear.blm |
blm/sport_haelt_fit.blm |
blm/kreise.blm |
blm/railroad.blm |
blm/3D_cube.blm |
blm/balloon.blm |
blm/flipp.blm |
blm/mytest.blm |
blm/tux.blm |
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
import time |
import threading |
import sys |
import blup.frame |
import blup.output |
sys.path.append('/var/tmp/r0ket/tools/game') |
#sys.path.append('/var/tmp/r0ket_misc/game_noprint') |
import |
import pong |
logo = [ |
[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], |
[1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0], |
[1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1], |
[1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0], |
[1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1], |
[1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1], |
[1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0], |
[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] |
] |
onePlayer = [ |
[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], |
[0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0], |
[0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0], |
[0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0], |
[0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], |
[0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], |
[0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], |
[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] |
] |
def convertPixels(dimension, pixels): |
p = [] |
maxval = dimension.depth - 1 |
for i in range(len(pixels)): |
row = [] |
for j in range(len(pixels[i])): |
if pixels[i][j] == 1: |
row.append((maxval, maxval, maxval)) |
else: |
row.append((0,0,0)) |
p.append(row) |
return p |
class R0ketPongPlayer(object): |
def __init__(self, playground, ownPaddle, r0ketPlayer): |
self.__playground = playground |
self.__ownPaddle = ownPaddle |
self.__r0ketPlayer = r0ketPlayer |
self.__ready = False |
@property |
def ownPaddle(self): |
return self.__ownPaddle |
@property |
def ready(self): |
return self.__ready |
def receivedPacket(self, packet): |
if self.__r0ketPlayer is not None: |
if == |
if isinstance(packet, r0ketrem0te.packets.Button): |
print 'button=', packet.button |
if packet.button == 1: |
self.__ownPaddle.nextMoveUp() |
print 'up' |
if packet.button == 2: |
self.__ownPaddle.nextMoveDown() |
print 'down' |
if packet.button == 16: |
self.__ready = True |
class R0ketPong(object): |
def __init__(self, out, color=False, port='/dev/ttyACM0', gameName='pong'): |
self.__playground = None |
self.__out = out |
self.__rem0te =, gameName, 83, 87, [ord(x) for x in 'REM0T'], 2, False) |
self.__rem0te.registerPlayerCallback(self.playerCallback) |
self.__color = color |
self.__players = [] |
self.__playersChangedCondition = threading.Condition() |
if color: |
self.__dimension = blup.frame.FrameDimension(18, 8, 8, 3) |
else: |
self.__dimension = blup.frame.FrameDimension(18, 8, 2, 1) |
def playerCallback(self, action, player): |
if self.__playground is None: |
return |
print '\n\n\n\nplayer added',player,'\n\n\n\n' |
if action == 'added' and len(self.__players) < 2: |
if len(self.__players) == 0: |
playerPaddle = self.__playground.leftPaddle |
else: |
playerPaddle = self.__playground.rightPaddle |
player = R0ketPongPlayer(self.__playground, playerPaddle, player) |
self.__rem0te.bridge.registerCallback(player.receivedPacket) |
self.__players.append(player) |
with self.__playersChangedCondition: |
self.__playersChangedCondition.notifyAll() |
def runGame(self): |
print 'starting a game...' |
scoreLeft = 0 |
scoreRight = 0 |
self.__playground = pong.Playground(18, 8) |
pp = pong.PlaygroundPainter(out, self.__dimension, self.__playground) |
while len(self.__players) == 0: |
print 'waiting for player...' |
with self.__playersChangedCondition: |
self.__playersChangedCondition.wait() |
frame = blup.frame.Frame(self.__dimension) |
global onePlayer |
if self.__color: |
frame.pixels = convertPixels(self.__dimension, onePlayer) |
else: |
frame.pixels = onePlayer |
self.__out.sendFrame(frame) |
while len(self.__players) == 1 and not self.__players[0].ready: |
print 'waiting for another player...' |
time.sleep(1) |
self.__out.sendFrame(frame) |
frame = blup.frame.Frame(self.__dimension) |
global logo |
if self.__color: |
frame.pixels = convertPixels(self.__dimension, logo) |
else: |
frame.pixels = logo |
self.__out.sendFrame(frame) |
time.sleep(1) |
if len(self.__players) == 1: |
bot = pong.PongBot(self.__playground, self.__playground.rightPaddle, 2) |
self.__players.append(bot) |
while max(scoreLeft, scoreRight) < 9: |
winner = |
if winner is self.__players[0].ownPaddle: |
scoreLeft += 1 |
else: |
scoreRight += 1 |
pong.displayScore(self.__out, self.__dimension, scoreLeft, scoreRight, 3000) |
for i in range(3): |
frame = blup.frame.Frame(self.__dimension) |
self.__out.sendFrame(frame) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
pong.displayScore(self.__out, self.__dimension, scoreLeft, scoreRight, 500) |
frame = blup.frame.Frame(self.__dimension) |
self.__out.sendFrame(frame) |
self.__playground = None |
self.__players = [] |
out = blup.output.getOutput('e3blp:localhost:4242') |
p0ng = R0ketPong(out, color=True) |
while True: |
p0ng.runGame() |
sys.exit(0) |
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# inspired by: |
# |
import sys |
import time |
import math |
#import pygame |
import colorsys |
from neopixel import * |
class Plasma(object): |
def __init__(self, width, height): |
self.width = width |
self.height = height |
self.pixelvalues = [[0] * height for i in xrange(width)] |
self.pixelsReady = False |
self.offset = 0 |
self.update() |
@property |
def minValue(self): |
return min(map(min, self.pixelvalues)) |
@property |
def maxValue(self): |
return max(map(max, self.pixelvalues)) |
def applyPalette(self, palette): |
min = self.minValue |
max = self.maxValue |
norm = lambda x: ((x - min) / max) |
pixeldata = [ [None] * self.height for i in xrange(self.width) ] |
for x in xrange(self.width): |
rowvalues = self.pixelvalues[x] |
for y in xrange(self.height): |
pixeldata[x][y] = palette.getColorValue(norm(rowvalues[y])) |
return pixeldata |
def update(self): |
#if self.pixelsReady: |
# return |
self.offset += 1 |
for x in xrange(self.width): |
for y in xrange(self.height): |
xx = x+self.offset |
yy = y+self.offset |
#xx = 10*x+self.offset |
#yy = 10*y+self.offset |
p = 128 + 128 * math.sin(xx / 9.0) |
p += 128 + 128 * math.sin(yy / 16.0) |
p += 128 + 128 * math.sin((yy + xx) / 16.0) |
p += 128 + 128 * math.sin(math.sqrt(yy*yy + xx*xx) / 16.0) |
p += 128 + 8 * math.sin(math.sqrt(yy* xx) / 16.0) |
self.pixelvalues[x][y] = p |
self.pixelsReady = True |
class Palette(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self.offset = 0 |
self.cache = {} |
def getColorValue(self, x): |
x = round(x, 3) |
if self.cache.has_key(x): |
return self.cache[x] |
c = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((x + self.offset) % 1, 1, 1) |
#c = map(lambda x: int(x * 7), c) |
depth = 255 |
c = map(lambda x: int(x * depth), c) |
self.cache[x] = c |
return c |
def update(self): |
self.cache = {} |
self.offset += 0.01 |
if self.offset > 1: |
self.offset -= 1 |
############################################## |
w = 22 |
h = 16 |
#w = 80 |
#h = 18 |
scalex = 30 |
scaley = 60 |
plasma = Plasma(w,h) |
palette= Palette() |
#screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w*scalex, h*scaley)) |
#pygame.display.update() |
##dim = blup.frame.FrameDimension(w, h, 8, 3) |
#dim = blup.frame.FrameDimension(w, h, 8, 3) |
##out = blup.output.getOutput('serialblup:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200') |
##out = blup.output.getOutput('colorfulshell') |
##out = blup.output.getOutput('e3blp:bastel0:4242') |
#out = blup.output.getOutput('e3blp') |
# LED strip configuration: |
LED_COUNT = 352 # Number of LED pixels. |
LED_PIN = 13 # GPIO pin connected to the pixels (must support PWM!). |
LED_FREQ_HZ = 800000 # LED signal frequency in hertz (usually 800khz) |
LED_DMA = 5 # DMA channel to use for generating signal (try 5) |
LED_BRIGHTNESS = 50 # Set to 0 for darkest and 255 for brightest |
LED_INVERT = False # True to invert the signal (when using NPN transistor level shift) |
LED_PWM = 1 |
strip.begin() |
while True: |
#screen.fill((0,0,0)) |
#print 'updating palette...' |
palette.update() |
#print 'updating plasma...' |
plasma.update() |
#print 'applying palette...' |
pixeldata = plasma.applyPalette(palette) |
#print 'drawing...' |
#f = blup.frame.Frame(dim) |
for y in xrange(h): |
for x in xrange(w): |
if x%2 == 0: |
lednum = x*h + y |
else: |
lednum = x*h - y + 15 |
strip.setPixelColor(lednum, Color(*pixeldata[x][y])) |
|||||| |
#print 'done drawing' |
#out.sendFrame(f) |
#pygame.display.update() |
#print 'done updating' |
#time.sleep(0.01) |
Reference in new issue