#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os, math, random import time import socket import struct from threading import Thread import bluetooth import wiiboard known_boards = {'niklas': '00:26:59:34:C8:69', 'kaka': '00:26:59:37:04:15', 'michael': '00:24:44:65:5B:F8', 'fed': '00:23:CC:23:5E:1D', } class StatusThread(Thread): def __init__(self, t1, t2): Thread.__init__(self) self.t1 = t1 self.t2 = t2 self.stop = False def run(self): t1 = self.t1 t2 = self.t2 colw = 50 batw = colw - len('Bat: 000% || ') while not self.stop: print('') print(('Left player - '+t1.addr).ljust(colw) + 'Right player - '+t2.addr) print('-'*2*colw) if t1.addr != 'dummy': if t1.connected: s1 = 'Connected' bat = t1.board.battery else: s1 = 'Connecting...' bat = -1 else: s1 = 'Dummy' bat = 0.42 px = 'Low ' if t1.pos_x is None else '%.3f'%t1.pos_x py = 'Low ' if t1.pos_y is None else '%.3f'%t1.pos_y p1 = 'Position: X: %s - Y: %s' % (px, py) if bat is not None: b1 = 'Bat: |%s| %03d%%' % (('='*int(batw*bat)).ljust(batw), int(bat*100)) else: b1 = 'Bat: |%s| ---%%' % ('?'*batw).ljust(batw) w1 = 'Weight: %.1f' % t1.weight if t2.addr != 'dummy': if t2.connected: s2 = 'Connected' bat = t2.board.battery else: s2 = 'Connecting...' bat = -1 else: s2 = 'Dummy' bat = 0.42 px = 'Low ' if t2.pos_x is None else '%.3f'%t2.pos_x py = 'Low ' if t2.pos_y is None else '%.3f'%t2.pos_y p2 = 'Position: X: %s - Y: %s' % (px, py) if bat is not None: b2 = 'Bat: |%s| %03d%%' % (('='*int(batw*bat)).ljust(batw), int(bat*100)) else: b2 = 'Bat: |%s| ---%%' % ('?'*batw).ljust(batw) w2 = 'Weight: %.1f' % t2.weight print(s1.ljust(colw) + s2) print(b1.ljust(colw) + b2) print(w1.ljust(colw) + w2) print(p1.ljust(colw) + p2) time.sleep(1) class WiiThread(Thread): def __init__(self, player, addr): Thread.__init__(self) self.addr = addr self.player = player self.stop = False self.connected = False self.board = None self.pos_x = None self.pos_y = None self.weight = 0 def run(self): if self.addr != 'dummy': while not self.stop: self.connected = False self.pos = 'C' self.board = wiiboard.Wiiboard() print('%s: Connecting to %s' % (self.player, self.addr)) try: self.board.connect(self.addr) except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError: continue time.sleep(1) print('%s: Connected' % self.player) self.connected = True self.board.setLight(True) while not self.stop and self.board.status == 'Connected': self.weight = self.board.mass.totalWeight if self.board.mass.totalWeight > 15: m = self.board.mass x_balance = -(m.topLeft+m.bottomLeft) + (m.topRight+m.bottomRight) x_balance = x_balance/float(m.totalWeight) y_balance = -(m.bottomLeft+m.bottomRight) + (m.topLeft+m.topRight) y_balance = y_balance/float(m.totalWeight) self.pos_x = x_balance self.pos_y = y_balance else: self.pos_x = None self.pos_y = None time.sleep(0.1) self.board.disconnect() else: print('%s: Connected as DUMMY' % self.player) self.connected = True self.pos = 'D' wiis = [] if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] in list(known_boards.keys()): addr = known_boards[sys.argv[1]] else: addr = sys.argv[1] t1 = WiiThread('L', addr) else: t1 = WiiThread('') t1.daemon = True t1.start() if len(sys.argv) > 2: if sys.argv[2] in list(known_boards.keys()): addr = known_boards[sys.argv[2]] else: addr = sys.argv[2] t2 = WiiThread('R', addr) else: t2 = WiiThread('') while not t1.connected: time.sleep(0.1) t2.daemon = True t2.start() while not t2.connected: time.sleep(0.1) tStatus = StatusThread(t1, t2) tStatus.daemon = True tStatus.start() wiis = [t1, t2] s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(('', 4711)) s.listen(1) try: while True: conn, addr = s.accept() while True: m = conn.recv(1) if len(m) == 0: conn.close() break r = b'' for w in wiis: if w.pos_x is None: v = -128 else: v = int(round(w.pos_x*100)) r += struct.pack('b', v) if w.pos_y is None: v = -128 else: v = int(round(w.pos_y*100)) r += struct.pack('b', v) conn.send(r) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): t1.stop = True t2.stop = True tStatus.stop = True sys.exit()