from cashonly.models import * from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import send_mass_mail from import NoArgsCommand, CommandError from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template from django.utils import translation from django.utils.dateformat import DateFormat from django.utils.formats import get_format from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ import datetime RANGE = 24 USERSETTINGS_URL = 'https://cypher/kasse/usersettings/' class Command(NoArgsCommand): help = 'Sends out the daily digest to all users with transactions' + \ 'in the last %dh' % RANGE def handle_noargs(self, **options): translation.activate('de') tpl = get_template('cashonly/daily_digest.txt') messages = [] for a in Account.objects.all(): name = '%s %s' % (a.user.first_name, a.user.last_name) context = {'name': name, 'credit':, 'range': RANGE, 'url': USERSETTINGS_URL} transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(account=a) \ .filter(timestamp__gte=( - datetime.timedelta(hours=RANGE))) if transactions.count() > 0: lengths = {'timestamp': len(_('date')), 'description': len(_('subject')), 'amount': len(_('amount'))} sum = 0 for t in transactions: lengths['timestamp'] = \ max(lengths['timestamp'], len(DateFormat(t.timestamp) .format(get_format('SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT')))) lengths['description'] = \ max(lengths['description'], len(t.description)) lengths['amount'] = \ max(lengths['amount'], len(str(t.amount))) t.description = t.description.split('\n') sum += t.amount lengths['sum'] = lengths['timestamp'] + \ lengths['description'] + lengths['amount'] context['lengths'] = lengths context['tl'] = transactions context['sum'] = sum rcpts = ['%s <%s>' % (name,] messages.append(('%s%s' % (settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, _('Account Statement')), tpl.render(Context(context)), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, rcpts)) send_mass_mail(tuple(messages))