<<: !include secrets.yaml esphome: name: lugsaar_esphome_rgb_decke platform: ESP8266 board: d1_mini on_boot: priority: 30 then: - light.turn_on: id: rgb_decke red: 50% green: 20% blue: 0% brightness: 100% effect: "picking colors is cumbersome, so lets call randomness to help" wifi: ssid: $wifi_ssid password: $wifi_password ota: password: $ota_password mqtt: broker: $mqtt_host port: $mqtt_port username: $mqtt_user password: $mqtt_password client_id: lugsaar_esphome_rgb_decke topic_prefix: licht output: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_red pin: D1 min_power: 0.5 frequency: 5000 Hz - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_green pin: D2 min_power: 0.2 frequency: 5000 Hz - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_blue pin: D3 frequency: 5000 Hz light: - platform: rgb id: rgb_decke name: "RGB LED-Strips Decke" red: output_red green: output_green blue: output_blue effects: - random: name: "picking colors is cumbersome, so lets call randomness to help" transition_length: 10s update_interval: 20s