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this file is part of blup. it provides an easy way
to determine the direction the player is leaning
from enum import Enum
import struct
Direction = Enum('BalanceDirection',
['LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'UP', 'DOWN',
def sanitize_threshold(threshold):
function to make sure the threshold is positive
threshold -- the given (untrusted) treshold
if threshold < 0:
threshold = abs(threshold)
return threshold
class BalanceSocket(object):
def __init__(self, balance_server_socket):
self.socket = balance_server_socket
def close(self):
def _get_raw_data(self):
data = self.socket.recv(4)
p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y = struct.unpack('bbbb', data)
return p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y
class BalanceUtil(BalanceSocket):
def __init__(self, balance_server_socket, player_id):
BalanceUtil object
balance_socket -- (ip, port) of the balance server
player_id -- id of the player
super(BalanceUtil, self).__init__(balance_server_socket)
self.player_id = player_id
def _get_raw_player_data(self):
data = self.socket.recv(4)
p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y = struct.unpack('bbbb', data)
if self.player_id == 0:
return p0x, p0y
return p1x, p1y
def get_player_ready(self):
check if someone is on the board
:return: true if someone is on the board
p_x, p_y = self._get_raw_player_data()
return p_x > -128 or p_y > -128
def get_raw_2dir_y(self):
Get raw 2-directional data from the y axis of the board.
e.g. determine how fast the paddle is supposed to move
in balance pong
:return: raw y axis balance value
x_bal, y_bal = self._get_raw_player_data()
return y_bal
def get_2dir_y(self, threshold):
threshold = sanitize_threshold(threshold)
x_bal, y_bal = self._get_raw_player_data()
if x_bal == -128 or y_bal == -128:
return Direction.QUIT
elif abs(y_bal) < threshold:
return Direction.CENTER
elif y_bal > 0:
return Direction.UP
return Direction.DOWN
def get_raw_2dir_x(self):
x_bal, y_bal = self._get_raw_player_data()
return x_bal
def get_2dir_x(self, threshold):
threshold = sanitize_threshold(threshold)
x_bal, y_bal = self._get_raw_player_data()
if x_bal == -128 or y_bal == -128:
return Direction.QUIT
elif abs(x_bal) < threshold:
return Direction.CENTER
elif x_bal > 0:
return Direction.RIGHT
return Direction.LEFT
def get_raw_4dir(self):
return self._get_raw_player_data()
def get_4dir(self, threshold):
Get evaluated 4-directional data of the board
e.g. determine the direction and rotation or drop move
in balance tetris
threshold -- deadzone of the board where nothing is
supposed to happen
:return: Enum Direction value of direction or event
threshold = sanitize_threshold(threshold)
x_bal, y_bal = self._get_raw_player_data()
if x_bal == -128 or y_bal == -128:
return Direction.QUIT
elif abs(x_bal) < threshold and abs(y_bal) < threshold:
return Direction.CENTER
elif abs(x_bal) < abs(y_bal):
if y_bal > 0:
return Direction.UP
return Direction.DOWN
if x_bal > 0:
return Direction.RIGHT
return Direction.LEFT